Tuesday, May 14, 2019

5 best blogging platforms in 2019

Blogging is one of the creative & amazing fields, where writers of different Niche share their knowledge and experience plus services that they are offering to their audience or visitors. Now blogging is used by different companies to promote their business and different services online. In blogging, bloggers write different posts according to their knowledge & experience and share with the public that will help them to promote their blog or different services, offered by the company or a blogger. Here, we are going to discuss the 5 best blogging platforms in 2019 that are used by most of the bloggers and experts to share their knowledge and expertise.

5 Best blogging platforms

  1. WordPress
  2. Hubspot
  3. Wix
  4. Weebly
  5. Craft CMS


Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Reviews: 6,808
WordPress is one of the best and famous CMS & blogging platforms for bloggers that include paid custom domain and free blog platform. If you are going to create a new blog, simple you need to register your domain on this platform. If you already have your own website you can transfer your website to this platform easily. WordPress offering you thousands of plugins that you can use while creating web page and content for your website or blog that include SEO and social media plugins including many other plugins.
wordpress blogging platform
WordPress blogging platform


Rating: 4 out of 5
Reviews: 2,161
Hubspot is one of the famous blogging platform offering blogging services where you can publish your content according to your professional expertise. You can easily integrate your G Suite with Hubspot platform and can easily share your documents on this platform. After completing your content Hubspot platform will help you to perform SEO for your blog post and will give you different ideas according to your content.
Hobspot blogging platform
Hubspot blogging platform


Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Reviews: 985
Wix one of the amazing and versatile blogging platform that you can use for blogging according to your interest. Simply you need to select a template according to your choice and start editing and writing in your selected template and add images. Whenever you have finally completed your template and start composing content or post. Wix platform provides you with the SEO tools to perform SEO tasks on your post to boost your traffic. Wix blogging platform also provides you with analytics where you can get the information related to your audience.
wix blogging platform
wix blogging platform


Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Reviews: 383
Weebly is one of the famous and trusted by 300 million peoples across the globe. Weebly online blogging platform offers you the drag and drop option, so you can easily create a complete website or a blog for you and share your content/services and boost traffic on your blog or website. Weebly offers you different SEO tools so you can easily implement the SEO techniques on your content and boost your services or products online.
weebly blogging platform
weebly blogging platform

Craft CMS

Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Reviews: 25 Reviews
Craft CMS is one of the famous blogging platforms that will help you to develop your own blog according to your NICHE or expertise. This platform helps you to custom code for your blog and you have full control over your blog code. You can easily integrate Google analytics with Craft CMS to check your traffic and how your content is performing.
CraftCMS blogging platform
CraftCMS blogging platform


Whenever you are going to develop or design a blog for you or a company according to your NICHE, first you need to select any of the above platforms according to your requirements that will help you to promote your content or company’s services and if you’re going to select CMS development company for your business first you need to check that whether they have knowledge of CMS development or platforms or not.

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