When you start implementing social media strategy for your business, one of the first question that you will ask yourself which social media platform is best for your business twitter or Facebook. Both of these social media platforms offer to connect people, engage and increase brand awareness, plus drive traffic to your website. But both of these platforms are incredibly different from each other. Facebook is used to connect people with each other including family members and friends. People use Facebook to share their videos, pictures, and general updates on their lives.
Twitter is used by the people to connect with their friends and family but on other hands, people also use this platform to share their ideas, live information, and trending news.
People use this platform to connect with the wider world as a whole and hear what’s happening in the world. Here, we will discuss Facebook vs Twitter which social media platform best for your business and help you to connect more peoples, increase engagement and business leads that will help you to increase your revenue.
Facebook vs Twitter Users
- The total number of adults users from the USA are 24% who are using Twitter, but on Facebook, there are nearly 70% of adults from the USA who are using Facebook.
- Twitter is engaging Young users 40% of Twitter users are between the ages of 19 to 29 and 20% of Twitter peoples age 50.
- Facebook also engaging young users whose ages are between 19 to 29 (over 80%) and 65% of users are up to 50 in age.
So, here Facebook wins over Twitter to engage more people than Twitter.
According to the analysis of Facebook and Twitter platforms here are break downs of Facebook and Twitter.
- Roughly 46% of the Twitter audience is active on a daily base and 81% of millennials check their twitter once per day.
- 74% of the Twitter audience says they use Twitter to get their news.
According to these insights, you can use this platform for your brand awareness that includes news and articles related to your brands.
Now for more longer engagement, you can use Facebook as the best alternatives. According to the analysis for every one million Facebook followers, brands can expect 700 plus likes comments, and share for their posts in form of articles, news, and videos.
But for every one million Twitter followers, brands have just 300 interactions on their posts or tweets. So, here we can consider Facebook as a more engaging platform than Twitter.
With less than 140 characters limit in Twitter posts, it’s very difficult to convey your business or brand message to your audience. But with more content posts or article there are more chances that the audience is going to distract from our brand news or articles.
Twitter is a platform that helps us to convey our brand message in short form that will help us to interact with our audience easily also the audience will not distract from our twitter or brand news.
On another side, Facebook helps us to share detail news or posts about our business and brands in form of images and videos including text.
Here we can easily promote our brand in form of any post that can be image post, video post or text post and this will help us to engage more audience to our brand that will create more brand awareness.
Here, we can say Twitter can use as your initial handshake, while Facebook is useful for the first full-length conversation.
Rather than deciding on whether Facebook or Twitter is best for a business, it is better to use both these platforms for marketing and promotion. We have set up both a Twitter handle and a FB page for our business. We have also hired facebook ads services to help us advertise our products on FB.