Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Best time to post on Instagram in 2019

According to the analysis of the Instagram social media platform that the best time to post on Instagram is between from 2 pm to 3 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time). However, the engagement or reach level can change dramatically depending upon on which day and time you are posting on Instagram. The best day to post on Instagram is Thursday, not just from 2 pm to 3 pm but you can also post at 5 Am, 11 AM and also 4 PM these are best hours to post on Instagram on Thursday. Today we are going share with you what is the, best time to post on Instagram in 2019.

Best time to post on Instagram for every day of the week

  • Best time to post on Instagram on Sunday is: 11 AM to 2 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Monday is: 11 AM to 5 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Tuesday is5 AM, 9 AM to 6 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Wednesday is5 AM, 11 AM and 3 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Thursday is: 5 AM, 11 AM, and 3 to 4 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Friday is: 5 AM, 9 AM to 4 PM CDT
  • Best time to post on Instagram on Saturday is11 AM CDT
Now we are going to share data in which we will discuss the best time to post on Instagram in 2019 according to the different industries.
best time to post on instagram on saturday, best time to post on instagram on friday, best time to post on instagram on thursday, best time to post on instagram on wednesday, best time to post on instagram on tuesday, best time to post on instagram on monday, best time to post on insatagram on sunday, best time to post on instagram, Best time to post on Instagram in 2019
Best time to post on Instagram in 2019

Best time to post on Instagram for IT Companies

  • Best Time & Day: Saturday at 11 AM and 1 PM CDT
  • Most Consistent Engagement Time: Everyday from 10 AM to 3 PM CDT
  • Best Day: Wednesday
  • Worst Day: Monday

Best time to post on Instagram for Educational Institutes or Organizations

  • Best time & Day: Monday at 8 PM CDT
  • Most Consistent Engagement Time: Weekday from 11 AM to 4 PM CDT
  • Best DayMonday
  • Worst Day: Sunday

Best time to post on Instagram for Health Care Organizations

  • Best Time & Day: Tuesday 1 PM CDT
  • Most Consistent Engagement Time: Tuesday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Best Day: Tuesday
  • Worst Day: Saturday & Sunday

Best time to post on Instagram for No Profit Organizations or Companies

  • Best Time & Day: Tuesday 3 PM & 9 PM, Wednesday 3 PM & 4 PM, Thursday 2PM & 3PM, Friday 10AM & 2PM
  • Most Consistent Engagement Time: Weekday from 12 PM to 5 PM
  • Best Day: Tuesday
  • Worst Day: Saturday
Here, you can also learn about other social media platforms like FacebookTwitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest in which day and time you can get more reach and engagement by publishing your post o these social media platform. To learn about these social media platforms check this article best time to post on social media platforms in 2019.

Monday, February 25, 2019

How to grow your business by using videos on Linkedin in 2019

Everyone wants to grow their online business to generate more leads and conversions. Today, we are going to share with you an amazing video strategy for the Linkedin social media platform, “How to grow your business by using videos on LinkedIn in 2019”. By using this strategy you can easily increase your video views and reach to grow your business on Linkedin. Linkedin is such a type of social media platform which is full of content and they want more video content and the audience of LinkedIn love to watch video content instead of other types of content on LinkedIn.

Linkedin Video Tips


The First tip for LinkedIn video marketing in 2019 is, simply take your video file and upload to Rev.com and generate SRT file with your video. Rev.com helps you generate transcription file of your video files that will help your audience to listen to your video without any voice and they will easily read the transcription of your video. SImply you need to upload your SRT file with your video file on your Linkedin social media platform and the whole voice content will automatically, linked with your video file and everyone can easily read that content without unmuting their speakers.
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How to grow your business by using videos on Linkedin in 2019


The second Linkedin video marketing tip 2019 is, after completing your start keyword analysis related to your video topic. You can use UberSuggest for keyword analysis, you can easily get top competitive keywords that you have to include in your video Title and Description including in video tags sections. This will help you get more engagement, views and reach on your LinkedIn videos and that will help you grow your business online and generate leads.
linkedin video marketing 2019, How to grow your business by using videos on Linkedin in 2019, linkedin video marketing startegy 2019, linkedin marketing startegy 2019,linkedin marketing in 2019, linkedin marketing
How to grow your business by using videos on Linkedin in 2019


Third Linked video marketing tip 2019 is after uploading your video write simply short and direct content on your video post including hashtags. This will help you to get more reviews on your videos and whenever people click on to see more to read your video post content then LinkedIn platform automatical start promoting your videos and this will help you get more engagement and your business will automatically grow on LinkedIn.


The final and last tip for Linkedin video marketing is after publishing your video reply to all comments from the audience, this will help you get more reach and engagement on your LinkedIn video post and audience will love to comment more and share your videos on their profiles. This tip will help you to grow your business online and reach more audience to generate more leads and revenue for your business.
Here, you can also learn about “How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019” that will help you promote your business online by using videos.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019

Do you want more traffic and sales for your company and you don’t wanna wait for a year to generate more sales and traffic like SEO? Today, here we are going to share some tips and techniques about “How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019”. Video marketing is one of the best easiest and fast way to increase your traffic and sales for your online business.

Video Marketing tips

video marketing strategy, video marketing, video marketing strategy 2019, video marketing in 2019, How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019
How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019


The first Video marketing tip for you is research about the topic for which you are going to create a content video. You can use UberSuggest or Google Keyword planner for keyword analysis where you can find famous keyword terms related to your topic and you can add these terms into your video content like in tags, title, and description. This will help you to increase your traffic on your videos and this will lead to generating sales for your business.
video marketing strategy, video marketing, video marketing strategy 2019, video marketing in 2019, How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019
How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019


It,s very easy to make a video for your brand or agency it’s not necessary to have a video camera. Simply just pick your mobile phone and start creating video start speaking in front of your camera and make fun in your video, try to ask questions to your audience and always smile and in the end make a call to action button that includes a link to your website and this will help you to generate sales for your business.


The third tip of video marketing in 2019 for you is, simply take your video file and Upload to Rev.com and generate SRT file. This platform will help you to generate a complete transcription and caption of your video file and you can upload this file with your video file on Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media platforms. This will help you to generate voice content with your video content so everyone can easily understand what are you saying to your audience. By using SRT file you will find that all of the social site’s auto play your videos when people are in office and they don’t have on their speakers but video content or translation is showed to the audience and this will help you to generate more traffic and sales for your business.
video marketing strategy, video marketing, video marketing strategy 2019, video marketing in 2019, How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019
How to increase your reach and sales using video marketing in 2019


The fourth video marketing tip 2019 is when you complete your video, so before clicking the publish button add content to your video and before this you need to research keyword analysis and you can perform this task by using UberSUggest keyword tool and this will help you to get the best keywords and you can include these keywords to your video description, title and, tags. This will help you to generate more traffic on your videos and generate more sales for your business.


The fifth video marketing tip is after publishing your video start sharing your video to your social media channels, pages or blogs and to your email list that will help you t generate more views and engagement to your videos and you easily generate traffic and sales for your business.


The final and last video marketing tip 2019 for you is, always give a response to your audience comments. Because this will help you to generate traffic on your website and people will come again and again to ask questions and for new videos. So, always give a response to the audience comments.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Facebook vs Twitter which social media platform best for your business

When you start implementing social media strategy for your business, one of the first question that you will ask yourself which social media platform is best for your business twitter or Facebook. Both of these social media platforms offer to connect people, engage and increase brand awareness, plus drive traffic to your website. But both of these platforms are incredibly different from each other. Facebook is used to connect people with each other including family members and friends. People use Facebook to share their videos, pictures, and general updates on their lives.
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Facebook vs Twitter: which social media platform best for your business
Twitter is used by the people to connect with their friends and family but on other hands, people also use this platform to share their ideas, live information, and trending news. 
People use this platform to connect with the wider world as a whole and hear what’s happening in the world. Here, we will discuss Facebook vs Twitter which social media platform best for your business and help you to connect more peoples, increase engagement and business leads that will help you to increase your revenue.

Facebook vs Twitter Users


  1. The total number of adults users from the USA are 24% who are using Twitter, but on Facebook, there are nearly 70% of adults from the USA who are using Facebook.
  2. Twitter is engaging Young users 40% of Twitter users are between the ages of 19 to 29 and 20% of Twitter peoples age 50.
  3. Facebook also engaging young users whose ages are between 19 to 29 (over 80%) and 65% of users are up to 50 in age.
So, here Facebook wins over Twitter to engage more people than Twitter.


According to the analysis of  Facebook and Twitter platforms here are break downs of Facebook and Twitter.
  1. Roughly 46% of the Twitter audience is active on a daily base and 81% of millennials check their twitter once per day.
  2. 74% of the Twitter audience says they use Twitter to get their news.
According to these insights, you can use this platform for your brand awareness that includes news and articles related to your brands.
best social media platforms in 2019, facebook is best for marketing or twitter, facebook marketing vs twitter marketing 2019, Facebook vs Twitter: which social media platform best for your business, facebook vs twitter in 2019
Facebook vs Twitter: which social media platform best for your business
Now for more longer engagement, you can use Facebook as the best alternatives. According to the analysis for every one million Facebook followers, brands can expect 700 plus likes comments, and share for their posts in form of articles, news, and videos.
But for every one million Twitter followers, brands have just 300  interactions on their posts or tweets. So, here we can consider Facebook as a more engaging platform than Twitter.


With less than 140 characters limit in Twitter posts, it’s very difficult to convey your business or brand message to your audience. But with more content posts or article there are more chances that the audience is going to distract from our brand news or articles.
Twitter is a platform that helps us to convey our brand message in short form that will help us to interact with our audience easily also the audience will not distract from our twitter or brand news.
On another side, Facebook helps us to share detail news or posts about our business and brands in form of images and videos including text.
Here we can easily promote our brand in form of any post that can be image post, video post or text post and this will help us to engage more audience to our brand that will create more brand awareness.
Here, we can say Twitter can use as your initial handshake, while Facebook is useful for the first full-length conversation.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How to growth hack your personal brand

Did you know a personal brand can help you to make millions of dollars over a year? For example, Neil Patel, a marketing expert just make millions of dollars for speaking about digital marketing tactics and other topics of digital marketing. It will take a long time to make a personal brand but when you have your own personal brand you can easily earn millions of dollars for you and your company just by creating your own personal brand. Today we are going to share some growth hacking tips that will help you to make your personal brand. By implementing these tips you will learn how to growth hack your personal brand.


The first tip that we have for you is to pick a NICHE and pick a big one, because if you want to make more money so you have to pick a big and famous NICHE. Because, if you select a small niche having 10 people who are just searching for this niche than, you can’t make your own personal brand.
To select a big niche, you can use Google Trends and it will help you which niche is good for you and have more searches.


The second growth hacking strategy 2019 that we have for you is about leverage videos. By creating video content you can easily get more engagement on different channels like Youtube, Facebook, and Linkedin this type of content help you to communicate with your audience that what you want to say and what information you are going to share with your audience instead of creating events. You can make your content more viral by adding different keywords in the description and title content of your videos this will help you to get more engagement and one thing that you need to follow always add those keywords that are related to the videos.
How to growth hack your personal brand, How to growth hack your personal brand 2019, How to growth hack your personal brand in 2019, personal branding in 2019, growth hacking strategy, growth hacking strategy 2019, growth hacking strategy in 2019
How to growth hack your personal brand in 2019


The third Growth hacking tip 2019 is to start taking the interviews from other experts who are famous and expert in your NICHE. Because this will took a while to become an experience personal brand. So, to make this procedure fast you need to start taking interviews with experts. For, example if you are an expert in digital marketing make a short session with Neil Patel about digital marketing in video form and whenever you publish that video on your blog people will start thinking that hey it,s Neil in the interview and the person who is taking his interview also an expert. You can make your personal brand fast by implementing this tip to grow fast.


The 4th Personal branding strategy 2019 that we have, start helping the people this will help you to grow your personal brand. For example, if someone comments on your blog post you must reply to them this will create a positive impact on your personal brand and people start taking interest in your brand. So always help your audience whether they are in your group or in other groups, Pages and your blog.


The fifth tip that we have for you start joining the conferences related to your NICHE and speak in these conferences this will help you to promote your personal brand. But when you start speaking in these conferences you will feel that’s not enough for your personal brand but, after some time you will start performing better and better.


The last tip for you is, be patient because it’s not gonna happen overnight. You are not going to get millions just by speaking over 1 or 2 years. But after 3 to 4 years you will notice that your personal brand is going to famous between the audience by implementing these tips.
How to growth hack your personal brand, How to growth hack your personal brand 2019, How to growth hack your personal brand in 2019, personal branding in 2019, growth hacking strategy, growth hacking strategy 2019, growth hacking strategy in 2019
How to growth hack your personal brand